

Ergochair | Bespoke, Made to Measure Chairs

ErgoChair is a UK based company, set up in 2004 to fill a gap in the ergonomic office chair market

  Until Ergochair, there were no ergonomic chairs on the market that could be specified to suit every individual. Even some of the best ergonomic chairs on the market could not offer complete support and comfort as they were not able to be tailored to custom requirements. For example, smaller framed people would not experience the complete benefit of a generic sized ergonomic chair as the varying supports would not correspond to the correct areas on the user's body. However, Ergochair's range provides more than just a good fit for the user. A vast range of advanced adaptations mean that they are able to create chairs suitable for a range of issues and conditions, including:
  • Amputeeism
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Coccyx Pain
  • Core Stability Issues
  • Herniated or Prolapsed Spinal Discs
  • Hip Replacement
  • Fused or Painful Knee Joints
  • Differential Leg Lengths
  • Lumbar Pain
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Neck and Shoulder Pain
  • Pelvic Pain
  • Scoliosis
  • Thoracic Back Pain
  • Wheelchair Use/Restricted Mobility
  Using a Unique Specification System called Easispec, our specially trained advisors will take a few simple measurements in order to create your bespoke chair "prescription". They will also discuss any suitable adaptations that will ensure your chair caters to your exact requirements. Adaptations include:
  • A Range of Armrests - from simple support to permanent contact rests for severe upper limb issues
  • Neck and Head Rests, Rolls and Supports
  • Foot Rings and Plates
  • Locks - Keep the Chair From Moving or Swiveling
  • Range of Inflatable and Reactive Support Cells Across the Backrest and Seat
  • Sculpted and Memory Foam Backrests
  • Coccyx Cut-Outs and Zones
  • Wave and Split Seats - for issues with lower limbs such as amputation or prothesis
  • Memory Foam Seats

If you would like to know more about Ergochair, or to book an assessment, please call 01293 510553 or email

Explore the Ergochair products

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Making the choice to move to a sit/stand way of working can be quite an adjustment, but with the right equipment and accessories, it should be a more comfortable transition

  Despite sit/stand desks being proven to be beneficial to health, well-being and productivity, if you're used to sitting at a desk for many hours, changing to sit/stand can be a challenge. The key is to build yourself up slowly, finding a rhythm of sitting and standing that works for you and gradually building your standing time up. As with any lifestyle change, jumping in head first and not pacing yourself can quickly cause you to give up and revert to what is familiar and comfortable. Alongside your increasing sit/stand schedule, there are several other products and accessories that can help you to make a smooth and comfortable adjustment. Standing Mat: These types of mats can help you to better control your posture, which in turn can help relieve aches and pains in the legs, feet, hips and back. They also make it easier to get used to spending time on your feet by providing a soft but supportive base. If you prefer to work in this position with your shoes off, they also provide a clean area for you to stand. Monitor Riser/Screen Mount: Raising your computer screen up to eye level is a crucial part of reaping the benefits of a sit/stand desk. If your monitor is too low, you will need to hunch or stoop to get a proper view, or you could even end up leaning. Postures of this type can cause painful problems with the neck, shoulders and upper back. Most risers also provide support to your wrists which can help to prevent RSI when typing. An added bonus of mounting or raising your screen is the extra desk space you gain for accessories, notes and files etc. Comfortable Footwear: Be aware that if you have been used to sitting at your desk, your choice of footwear may not have caused you any problems in the past. However, if you are trying to stay on your feet for longer, you may find that your usual shoes can cause pressure, pain and blisters. If possible, try to wear a soft sole shoe such as trainers to help you with your transition. You may even choose to remove your shoes for a period if this is appropriate. Ergonomic Chair: Preventing aches and pains and keeping your body moving doesn't need to stop when you need a break from standing. Ergonomic chairs are designed to help you to keep a proper posture and provide support to the parts of the body that require it the most. Some ergonomic chairs even come with a mechanism that keeps you active whilst you're sitting. This helps to keep you alert and productive and prevents stiffness and aches throughout the body. Foot Rest: Improve your posture further with the use of a footrest when you are sat down. A foot rest can help to prevent swelling in the legs and feet and relieve pressure in the hips by keeping your legs at a suitable angle. The Right Height Adjustable Desk: The above products and tips will all be wasted if you haven't got a sit/stand desk that works for you. There are plenty to choose from on the market and you should invest some proper time in choosing one to suit you and the way you work. From electric or manual height adjustable desks, to those that remind you when its time to stand up and keep track of burned calories for you, there really is a desk for everyone. Request to visit the dealers who you are interested in buying from so you can see the desk before purchasing. Some companies will even let you trial the desks at your own workplace to ensure you have the right fit.   [yikes-mailchimp form="1" title="1" description="1" submit="Sign Up"]


With urbanisation on the rise and a dependence on technology increasing, most of us have less time to relax and renew our mental and physical energy

  Research has shown that incorporating elements of nature into the working environment can reduce blood pressure, heart rates and stress levels and can increase creativity, productivity and general mood. A quick and simple way to incorporate nature into the office is through the use of plants. There's a huge variety of plants with a range of benefits which require very little care. Here we take a look at the top eight plants for office spaces.  

Snake Plant

Indoor-Black-Snake-Plant Can last for weeks without water and tolerates heating and air conditioning very well. Doesn't require a lot of light.  

Peace Lilly

Peace-Lilly-Plant Brings a tropical feel to your work space and tolerates air conditioning very well. Suitable for low-medium light. (Not recommended for use in home offices as this plant is poisonous for cats and dogs).  

Rubber Tree Plant

Potted-Rubber-Tree-Plant Ideal for brightening up corners, this floor plant boasts large leaves & brings colour to the office. Requires watering once a week.  

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera Potted Plant Can go for many weeks without water but requires plenty of sunlight. The plant helps to filter the air and the gel inside has cooling and healing properties.  


Yucca Plant Potted Can survive for several weeks without water and can grow fairly large with the right levels of light. This plant can grow into an eye catching feature, even in large spaces.  


Potted Croton Plant Can grow up to ten feet tall and the leaves of the plant often feature a variable and interesting pattern. Must get enough sunlight or these patterns will begin to fade.  

Fatsia Japonica

Potted-Fatsia-Japonica A low maintenance, air purifying plant with dark green leathery leaves  

Montsera Deliciosa

Potted Monstera Deliciosa Plant This plant has huge, eye catching leaves and creates a luxury tropical feel in any space.     [yikes-mailchimp form="1" title="1" description="1" submit="Sign Up"]


A typical office worker spends more time sat down than the average person aged over 75

Our sedentary working lives are severely impacting our health and wellbeing and yet few of us realise how dangerous it can be.

Many office workers spend 8 hours or more sat at their desks. This is bad enough, but when we consider the amount of time spent sitting while commuting, eating or watching television at home, the problem becomes even greater. This amount of sedentary time can lead to a range of different health problems. According to the NHS Live Well website these issues include, but are not limited to:
  • Obesity & Slow Metabolism
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Some Types of Cancer
  • Early Death
Sedentary behavior has also been found to negatively impact on mental health too, worsening symptoms of anxiety and depression.

So, how can we become more active?

Firstly, a height adjustable or sit/stand desk can encourage you to spend some time standing and moving whilst working. Sit/stand desks have also been linked to an increase in alertness, creativity and productivity, as well as helping to relieve symptoms of poor circulation and back ache. A chair such as the HÄG Sofi that features an InBalance™ mechanism can help to keep your body moving when you do need to sit down. This can also help to keep you alert, productive and aids the body's blood and oxygen flow. Apart from integrating adaptable furniture in to your workspace, there are other smaller adjustments that you can incorporate in to your working day to up your activity levels. Icons for being active at work       [yikes-mailchimp form="1" title="1" description="1" submit="Sign Up"]


Wall Graphics And Glass Manifestations Are a Great Way to Add Personality to Your Building

  Wall graphics and glass manifestations are a simple yet eye catching way to liven up your business' premises and express your brand's values. Choose whichever design you feel would suit your space best. For example, nature shots, nearby landmarks, inspirational quotes or something that reflects your brand's ethos are all great ways to use wall graphics throughout your office. The process of choosing a wall graphic is very easy for our clients. Simply select your material (choices include, but are not limited to, canvas, Foamex and glass) and specify your dimensions. Size options are endless, our biggest one to date is 7 meters long! You can choose to supply your own artwork or we can source this for you. Installation is quick and simple and results are amazing!         [yikes-mailchimp form="1" title="1" description="1" submit="Sign Up"]

How To Care For Your Office Chair

Well maintained office chairs keep employees comfortable and create a good impression on clients and visitors. It is also important to keep your chairs clean in order to keep the spread of germs and allergy causing dust and pollen particles to a minimum. You can choose to keep your chairs maintained regularly in house which will reduce the required frequency for professional cleans. The care for each type of chair differs and you should always check the information that comes with the chair for cleaning instructions. You can also call your supplier who should be able to advise you on the correct type of maintenance and care for your chair.
  • Upholstered chairs should be regularly hoovered on a low setting with a brush or upholstery attachment. Any spills or stains should be dealt with as soon as possible. Remember to follow the chair's care instructions and make sure to test any cleaning products in a small, inconspicuous area before treating the stain.
  • Leather or vinyl chairs should be wiped down with a damp cloth often. Make sure the cloth you use in non-abrasive to avoid scratching the material
  • Mesh office chairs should be lightly hoovered weekly to avoid the accumulation of dust and other debris in the open weave. A wipe down with a damp cloth can also help to remove any sticky residue that can build up and block air flow.
  • Plastic chairs in waiting areas, canteens and cafes can be cared for with warm water and a mild detergent mix to keep them hygienic. Avoid using abrasive brushes or alkaline-based cleaning products.
All chairs should receive regular, professional cleaning and care to improve cleanliness and longevity of the product. The frequency of this service will depend on your in house maintenance routine and the type of environment the chairs are in. Wave Office provide professional cleaning services for all types of chairs. We can clean and care for chairs on site or collect them and carry out the service at our warehouse. For more information, please call 01293 510553     [yikes-mailchimp form="1" title="1" description="1" submit="Sign Up"]


If you’re looking to buy a new office chair but are confused by all the options available, it can be easy to stick to something you know – which is generally a simple, foam based task chair with standard fabric upholstery. But this isn’t always the best option and you could be missing out on a chair that not only looks after your body but could also be the most cost effective solution too.

What are the benefits of mesh chairs?

Traditional foam padded chairs act as insulators trapping heat between your body and the chair. This can cause uncomfortable sweating, even in an air conditioned office. Mesh chairs provide proper ventilation keeping the user cool, comfortable and dry. Ventilation can also help to minimise muscle fatigue.
Easy to Clean
Spillages and general maintenance are easily handled in the case of mesh chairs. Most wipe down quickly and easily with a damp cloth, making expensive shampoos and treatments a thing of the past.
Stylish & Modern
With the popularity of mesh chairs rising, designers have not only looked at improving ergonomic support but also aesthetic appeal. There are now a wide variety of customisable mesh office chairs on the market and many are now designed in line with the current minimalistic trend.
Mesh chairs retain their shape well and generally see less wear and tear than fabric upholstered office chairs. There is less chance of a mesh chair ripping or areas becoming worn and frayed.
Ergonomic Posture Support
A mesh chair may not look comfortable on first glance, but they can actually be more supportive than padded chairs. They can help to improve posture and reduce aches and pains associated with musculoskeletal disorders. Mesh chairs offer an array of adjustments and provide a firm, supportive structure. Many mesh chairs offer the buyer the option to upholster the seat for increased comfort whilst keeping the mesh back for postural support and ventilation.   Mesh-Back-Chairs-Variety-Sold-by-Wave-Office   [yikes-mailchimp form="1" title="1" description="1" submit="Sign Up"]
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