

How To Make Hot Desking Work for Your Company

Hot desking can have many benefits for your business and can be especially useful for companies that have smaller offices or for organisations who promote flexible working. However, there can be a variety of barriers to the successful implementation of hot desking. Here we aim to highlight the biggest of those hot desking problems and provide some tips and insight into how you can avoid any big issues.


Have a system in place that allows employees to "reserve a desk"

Some days will require more desk based work than other. Having the option to make sure a desk is available when needed is a great way to help the implementation of hot desking seem less scary and more functional for staff. It also helps to keep tensions and competition for space low and makes it easy for people to plan their working day efficiently.

Reservation systems could be as simple as having an office manager or receptionist place a note or dry-wipe board message on a desk stating that the space is reserved for "x", accompanied by the time the desk is reserved from and to. For larger organisations a desk reservation software may be more suitable.

Whichever reservation method is chosen, it is crucial that all staff are briefed on the system, how it works and the importance of following it.


Make sure ample storage solutions are available

If your company is looking into hot desking, its is vital that suitable storage solutions are not forgotten. Adequate and functional storage can be the difference between the success and failure of your hot desking system.

It may be a good idea to ask your employees to fill out a questionnaire about the items they regularly bring in to work and what type of storage they feel would suit them best. For example, if people regularly bring a gym kit or change of clothes to work, larger storage options such as lockers should be made available.

An effective and secure filing system is also important when people no longer have a personal desk to occupy. There are many mobile pedestal options now available on the market and these can be a great solution for storing documents and other items that staff require to carry out their job effectively.  Alternatively, a move towards a paperless office could also be implemented around the same time as the start of your hot desking plans.

It's also a good idea to place coat racks and hooks near each set of desks to allow people to keep bags, coats and other bulky items away from their working area but within sight and reach.


Have awareness for how others work

Some companies organise their hot desking system into different zones or departments throughout the building. For example, you may choose to have a silent working area, a more relaxed area and a zone for people who regularly make or take calls.

Alternatively, staff should be encouraged to respect others around them, such as stepping outside to speak on the phone if other colleagues are working quietly.


Keep desks clean and tidy

This is an important factor of hot desking success. Firstly, staff will become frustrated if they have to rearrange or tidy a desk before they can use it and secondly, colds and other illnesses are easily spread when desks, keyboards, phones and mice are shared by many people, so good hygiene is paramount for staff health.

Make it quick and simple for staff to keep desks clean and clear by placing a bin next to each desk or set of desks and antibacterial wipes within easy reach for wiping down the desk and shared accessories. You could also consider placing sanitising hand gel dispensers near each set of desks to help to stop the spread of germs.


Create spaces where staff can relax, socialise and collaborate

Hot desking offers a range of benefits, however, having alternative spaces that allow staff to break away from their work are crucial to the success of a desk sharing environment.

Staff need time to relax, meet with other colleagues and eat and drink in order to be productive, alert and creative. Depending on the way you choose to implement your hot desk system, it may not be possible to achieve these things at a shared desk. Without accessibility to spaces that cater for these types of activities, staff will quickly become frustrated with the system and become rapidly demotivated and unproductive.

Why Are Office Kitchen Areas So Important?

Interior design trends are clearly showing that kitchens are becoming the new domestic hub. This trend is now spilling over to the work place and it's easy to see why.

  A well designed kitchen area, breakout space or canteen, provides a much needed break from screen time and allows employees to rest, recharge and socialise with colleagues. These areas are fast becoming the collaboration hubs of the office, where creative ideas are conceived and cross-department relationships are formed. Kitchens and breakout areas provide employees with space for a no-obligation rest, chat or meeting. It's an environment where ideas can be sparked, problems solved and morale boosted, all without any pressure. If these things happen in this space, it's a bonus, but the space is primarily accepted and respected as a space that allows time away from work. However, it is often found that without the same pressures that are found in meeting rooms or behind desks, ideas and problem solving become much more creative, inclusive and frequent, even without a set intention or agenda.

What makes a great space?

  The best functioning kitchen and breakout areas are equipped with modern appliances and conveniences such as coffee machines, microwaves and refrigerators which allow staff to bring in healthy meals from home and easily recharge their bodies while they rest their minds. Furniture is also hugely important to the functionality and enjoyment of these spaces. Comfortable lounge areas with sofas and soft seating are important for those who want to sit down and recharge. Ergonomic chairs and tables are ideal for staff who wish to work away from their desk in a less formal environment. Large tables and comfortable seating provide a space for groups to gather and chat or collaborate, whilst smaller tables and high quality canteen chairs are great for those who simply want to sit and eat. Acoustic pods and booths can be invaluable in this type of environment as it means those who prefer a little more quiet can still enjoy the culture and opportunity that these spaces provide, without having to completely isolate themselves from the experience. Kitchen and breakout areas are no longer seen as small conveniences, but more as areas that capture and create a positive company culture that should be accessible for all. So, with that in mind, it might be time to start planning a refurb! Here's a great case study for a kitchen area that we completed for a global Sat Comms company to give you some inspiration.

Getting Through Winter at the Office

Most staff will be waking up to dark mornings and leaving the office in the dark. It's cold and rainy, so commutes are even more miserable and there's less to do during leisure time outside of the office. Christmas is only a few weeks away and some may be stressed with the cost and organisation associated with it. And to top it all off, it's cold and flu season.

So, what can be done to lift spirits and make sure that staff well-being is cared for over the winter months?

Provide healthy snacks This is important in keeping people alert and productive and stopping the afternoon slump. Comfort eating is common at this time of year and usually there's no shortage of sugary snacks on offer in the lead up to Christmas. Fruit is ideal for getting a sweet hit and vitamins all in one. Iron rich foods are also great for providing energy and keeping people alert. Sugary and caffeinated drinks should be kept to a minimum, so consider stocking up on herbal teas or naturally flavoured water. Encourage movement Holding walking meetings, taking the stairs and getting outside on breaks (if it isn't too cold or wet) are great ways to incorporate movement into the working day. Moving helps to keep you alert and productive, as well as stimulating the release of endorphins to keep spirits up. You could also consider putting together a "deskercise" information sheet with instructions on how to keep active whilst working at a desk. Encourage short breaks Following on from the previous point about keeping active, encouraging staff to take a few minutes break in between tasks is a great way to keep people focused. A few minutes every hour to take the eyes away from a screen and allow the brain to relax a little also helps to keep stress levels down and generally help people to feel less pressured. Consider lighting Keep the blinds open, even when it's cloudy as any natural light is beneficial. Consider investing in lighting that more closely mimics natural daylight. This is important for keeping the body clock on track and keeping us refreshed and productive despite the cold and dark outside. Educate staff on the importance of vitamin D In the winter, there is less sunlight available which means our Vitamin D levels will naturally decrease. This can lead to a more deflated mood and further exaggerate any existing aches and pains. Good quality vitamin D supplements are easily available over the counter and can easily help to restore any depleted levels. Offer help and support Set up exercise or well-being workshops throughout each month or offer access to mental health support - this could be as simple as making staff aware about the type of help that is available and local places they can go to receive support or further information. Consider offering physical health checks to staff to make sure their basic health is looked after. You could also set up awareness classes around smoking and drinking as these habits are generally increased around this time of year and are often popular new year's resolutions which are rarely followed through without the right support and awareness. Also, stress the importance of people going to have their flu jab, and perhaps offer it free of charge to employees. Organise a few fun activities throughout the winter Keep morale high and invest in a few fun days out or evening social gatherings throughout the winter months. Generally people tend to hibernate at this time of year, once the Christmas party season is over. This can affect well-being, their performance at work and team morale. Get staff involved with organising something they would all like to do together, and help them to fund a few activities.    

How Can I Manage Stress At Work?

On Stress Awareness Day, we look at some ways that stress at work can be managed

  Don't stay silent If your workload is too overwhelming, talk to your manager or a colleague. Explain to them why you're struggling, especially if the problem is out of your control. This helps to keep the people around you informed, which in itself should relieve some pressure. A manager or colleague may be able to offer a solution that you hadn't thought of, or even take some of your workload off your shoulders. Take breaks and try to relax Stress slows down and distorts the cognitive functions of the brain. This has a direct impact on productivity and quality of work. While it may seem that you have no time to take breaks, not taking them can actually be counterproductive. Even just a few five minute breaks taken between tasks, or after working for a certain amount of time can help to keep your brain alert. Use this time to look away from your work, (particularly if you use a screen), get up, stretch and move and also make sure you are snacking healthily and keeping hydrated. After an intense or particularly stressful workload is finished, try to take some proper time to recuperate. For example, if a job has taken weeks to complete and has been particularly stressful, consider taking the minimum of a long weekend off. This way, you will have something to look forward too whilst you are doing the work and a great way to wind down before starting a new project. Try to get outside Even if it's a quick, brisk walk around the block during your lunch break, a change of scenery and some fresh air can help to calm you down and refresh your brain. Exercise is a great stress reliever and it also releases endorphins which improve mood. If you can't get outside, try to leave your desk and walk about the building, use the stairs instead of the lift and even consider parking your car further away from the entrance of the building. Try not to take work home with you Don't check your emails after you leave the office, unless it's company policy. When at home, try to spend some time on yourself. A nutritious meal, a soothing bath or shower and a herbal tea or decaffeinated hot drink can all help you to unwind. Try to end screen time from devices and TV at least an hour before you intend to go to sleep. In this time, you could escape into a book, meditate or write your emotions down in a journal. The NHS also has a list of apps that they recommend in order to help with a range of mental health issues, including stress and anxiety.

Ergonomic Tips for Teachers

Although teachers are not necessarily sat down for as long as office workers, they are still just as susceptible to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)

    Standing for extended periods of time, bending or crouching down to low desks and chairs, or sitting on chairs designed for children can all put strain on a teacher's body. MSDs are one of the leading reasons for extended periods of time off across a range of professions throughout the UK workforce. The economical impact of extended absence is huge and in the case of teachers, the academic impact on students also needs to be considered. Research shows that:
  • 75% of teachers suffer neck and shoulder pain
  • 53% have suffered with knee problems
  • 33% have had trouble with their hips
  • 82% experience MSD related pain at least once a week

What do teachers need to be aware of?

  Teachers should pay special attention to how much time they spend on their feet, particularly if they are stood in one place, such as next to the whiteboard, for long periods of time with little movement. Spending a lot of time standing, particularly in one position, can increase the risk of:
  • Varicose veins
  • Poor circulation
  • Bunions
  • Painful swelling of the feet and legs
  • Joint damage
  • Lower back pain
  • Problems with the feet
Standing properly can help to alleviate pain and strain. When standing, feet should be shoulder width apart, with weight evenly distributed across both feet. Knees should be slightly bent, the back kept straight and shoulders pulled back. When interacting with students, teachers should note how often they are crouching and bending down. These actions can put huge strain on the body and should be avoided where possible.


  Achieving good musculoskeletal and postural health is all about making sure that the teacher is properly supported and comfortable throughout the range of tasks they must fulfill each day. The Jollyback Teacher's chair is a great addition to any classroom. It prevents the need for teacher's to crouch and bend by allowing the teacher to sit at pupil height in an ergonomically supportive chair. The castor base and adult height handle, make the chair easy to move without the need for bending or lifting. A supportive, ergonomic chair for working at their own desk should also be made a priority by teachers and their employers.

How Can You Improve Children’s Spinal and Postural Health at School?

Is your classroom ergonomical?

  Musculoskeletal disorders and back pain account for 31 million of lost working days due to absenteeism. The costs to the economy are huge and perhaps that's why prevention or intervention for these issues tends to focus on adults in the workforce rather than children. However, research shows that increasing numbers of children are experiencing neck and back pain. 72% of primary and 64% of secondary school students reported that they had experienced back pain at school. There are currently no legal regulations regarding back and postural health for students that schools are required to follow. Children spend approximately 30% of their waking hours at school and much of this time is spent seated. Freedom from back pain and good postural health has been shown to have a positive impact on concentration and the ability to learn.

Luckily, there are some simple things that you can do to care for student's musculoskeletal health

  1. The 30:30 Rule: for every 30 minutes spent seated, encourage students to stand up, move and stretch for 30 seconds
  2. Limit the amount of time that students are sat cross-legged on the floor. Try to keep this time to around 10 minutes and encourage students to sit with their legs out in front of them
  3. 10% of a person's body weight is recommended as the limit of safe weight for backpacks. Try to encourage students to repack their bags each night so they only bring what they need. Alternatively, consider the provision of lockers where students can store belongings that aren't required for their next lesson.
  4. Make sure everybody has a clear view of the front of the classroom, the white board and where you are standing to teach. Students should not need to twist, strain or stretch to clearly see these elements.
  5. If a student is regularly hunching over their work in order to read or write, consider the quality of their eyesight and consider reporting this to their parents
  6. Make sure students are active during break times
  7. Provide students with specially designed ergonomic chairs suitable for their age range.
  8. Lead by example. Get up and move with them and make sure that you are standing and sitting with a good posture.

How Does Tiredness Affect Performance at Work

Research from Westfield Health has found that almost half of employees regularly turn up to work too tired to function effectively. Despite this, 86% feel that they are not able to openly communicate with their manager about how their tiredness is affecting their performance. 34% of survey respondents said that their mental well-being has suffered because of their tiredness, whilst 55% stated that their fatigue extends beyond the office and affects their home life too. 37% state that tiredness has made them forgetful at work and 30% said it has made them short tempered with colleagues. Worryingly, 22% have found themselves actively drifting off to sleep at work and 13% have drifted off while driving. Furthermore, 30% have had an accident, made a serious mistake or felt extremely stressed at work due to fatigue. Currently, 86% of employees feel that their employers or managers do not recognise the negative impacts and dangers of fatigue and only 9% believe that their employer would find fatigue a valid reason to call in sick. Director of Well-being at Westfield Health, Richard Holmes, states that "the importance of rest time both at work and home should be taken seriously and encouraged by employers, and fatigue should be considered just as important as any other physical illness or injury".

So, what can be done?

  Try to break your work schedule down into smaller chunks. This makes larger tasks seem less overwhelming and also allows you to use the Pomodoro Technique which can help you to stay focused and less stressed. Make sure you get up to move around as much as possible throughout the day. This is good for keeping your mind alert and a gentle outdoor exercise such as a short walk during your break time is proven to have a positive impact on mental health. Try to slowly cut down on sugar and carbs and swap caffeinated drinks for herbal teas or water. This helps to keep energy levels steady throughout the day rather than providing an artificial peak caused by sugar or caffeine which results in an energy crash later in the day. Make sure your work space is set up ergonomically. A good ergonomic chair and setting your monitor screen to the correct height, as well as the addition of a footrest are all great ways to keep your body free from aches, pains and strains. An ergonomically correct posture will also keep oxygen flow and circulation at an optimum to help you to stay more alert and focused. Freedom from aches and pains helps you to feel less tired and aids in keeping added stress from pain at bay. Try to get as much rest at home as possible. Develop a good night time routine with screen time ending at least an hour before you plan to go to sleep. Also, unless it is required by your employer, do not bring your work home and don't check or respond to emails whilst out of the office. Consider taking a long weekend if you have enough holiday time to use. Regular, shorter breaks can often be better than one extended summer holiday. Try to use this time to relax and unwind as much as possible and make sure that you do not spend the time checking up on work. Finally, if you feel able to, talk to your manager or employer about how your fatigue is affecting you both personally and professionally. You may, for example, be able to reach a flexible working agreement to allow you some extra time to rest, or you oculd ask for the opportunity to start and finish earlier so that you don't spend any more time than necessary commuting.  

What Are Employee’s Top Priorities in Terms of Benefits and Working Environment

Do you really know what makes your staff tick?

    Research by co-working developer, Areaworks, has found that flexible and comfortable working zones are a top priority to employees. Half of the workers surveyed wanted to swap fixed desks for hot desks and casual seating. 64% of office-based respondents also stated that having access to good outdoor facilities or the ability to work on a roof terrace were important productivity and well-being factors.   Other items that made the list for dream office features included:
  • Good kitchen facilities
  • Plants
  • Games, e.g, table tennis
  • Pets
  • Sleeping Pods
  • Water Features
  A study conducted by Perkbox, found that Generation Z - those born between the mid-1990's and 2000 - place a high importance on perks when deciding where to work.  The research also found that 32% of Gen Z prefer smaller benefits with a higher frequency that they can benefit from year round, rather than one bigger annual event such as a Christmas party. The top 3 most popular perks were annual leave on birthdays, free hot drinks and flexible working hours. These were closely followed up by free lunches and access to private health and dental care.   Capital One recently conducted a survey of 3,500 full-time US employees. The aim of the research was to understand employee's thoughts on workplace environment and design in relation to productivity, innovation and collaboration. According to the results, many employees highly value flexibility and good office design. They also value up-to-date technology, agile work spaces and personal well-being investments. These factors were found to be particularly important when employees were considering moving to a new employer. For example, 73% of workers say that a flexible schedule is a top reason for choosing to stay with or leave an employer. When it comes to office design, 57% value natural light, 37% feel they benefit from easily reconfigurable furniture, 30% value collaborative spaces and 25% place high importance on rest and relaxation zones. 66% of workers believe that the design of the office environment is more important that it's location. When asked to choose a health and well-being benefit that they would most like to keep or see implemented, 39% of respondents cited healthy food and beverage options as an important benefit, while 33% placed a high importance on on-site health and wellness centers or programs.   Next time you're considering your staff retention rates or are trying to attract a new generation of workers, consider what it is that they value and implement as many of these factors as you can.

What’s The Best Height Adjustable Desk?

Looking to buy height adjustable desks? Need some more information about the best types of sit/stand desks? Read on.

  There is plenty of information available online regarding the multitude of ways that sit/stand desks are beneficial for both staff and employers. However, there isn't much information about what the best type of height adjustable desk may be for your business. We won't cover all of the specific benefits that height adjustable desks can offer, as this information is easily found, however, we will say that keeping the body moving throughout the day is one of the best ways to improve concentration and productivity and avoid the development of musculoskeletal issues. There is a wide range of factors that need to be considered when looking to purchase height adjustable desks. These factors are often overlooked by consumers and this leads to dissatisfaction and inefficient use further down the line. It also causes many to believe that sit/stand desks are an unsustainable "fad" for the workplace. Here, we aim to help you to choose the best type of ergonomic sit/stand desk and explain why this choice is most likely to have the best impact on staff health, well being and productivity and thus, the best ROI for your business.   Manually adjustable sit/stand desks are generally operated by a crank handle. This adjustment operation is almost always slow and laborious and often people will simply just stop adjusting the desk, particularly if it is intended for use by a sole individual. In the case of electronic height adjustable desks, there are a range of factors to consider before purchase that could cause issues with usage and integration. Electronic operating motors can be noisy both when in use and when idle. A common complaint is that even when not being actively adjusted, the motor will make an annoying humming or buzzing noise which is particularly noticeable in quiet working areas of offices or in libraries. Motors also run the risk of failure. It's not common but it is a problem that can occur and if it does it has the potential to put the desk out of use until fixed. Motor failure is particulalry problematic if the failure occurs during an adjustment as the desk will end up at an awkward and unworkable height. Multiple and frequent adjustments can wear the motor out or cause it to overheat. This is a particular issue in areas where the desk is shared by multiple users or is in a more public environment. Electrical sit/stand desks will need to be placed within the vicinity of a power outlet and there is also the issue of additional cabling to address. The placement of desks that are required to have direct access to power means that re-configuring your office space becomes much harder so your layout becomes very fixed. Making the change to using a height adjustable sit/stand desk can be uncomfortable and hard to become accustomed with for new users. The change requires the user to form a habit of changing between sitting and standing regularly in order to reap the intended benefit of the desk. Having a desk that is quick and easy to adjust, will help to make the process less of a struggle and habit forming easier. As with the point above, people should neither sit all day, nor stand all day so regular adjustments throughout the day are unavoidable. If adjustments are slow, noisy or take a lot of effort, people will simply stop changing the height and the desk's function becomes obsolete, along with the business' ROI.   Transform, is the first gas assisted height adjustable desk to come to market. This simple method of adjustment - that has been implemented in chair design for decades - could actually solve many of the issues relating to the use of sit/stand desks and their effective integration into the workplace. The desk requires no electrical power and doesn't rely on a crank handle. The gas assisted adjustment is smooth, quick and requires only fingertip touch from the user. The height is set by applying a brake to keep the desktop in place. Transform boasts a 700-1500mm height range and is available in 1200, 1400 and 1600mm top lengths. Transform is a logical and practical advancement on the height adjustable desks that are currently on the market. It solves all of the problems outlined above and is a worthwhile investment for businesses who are looking to introduce sit/stand desks into their work place.  


Were were happy to help a local 6th form college to create a new breakout area that students could be proud of

  We recently helped a local college to update their current common room area into a more functional and modern space for students to relax and socialise in. Using Visa chairs and fully welded tables with round tops, we designed part of the room to accommodate those who want to eat, socialise or study in groups. Both the tables and chairs are durable and easy to wipe down, making them ideal for such a high-use area. Solent modular sofas acted as an excellent room divide and along with a video projector, helped to create a focal point for the space. Comfortable and supportive, the sofas were upholstered in two-tone fabric and now provide a space for students to relax and chat with friends. Overall, the space is an ideal hub spot for the college, providing students with an adaptable space to use their time in between lessons as they wish.    


As a customer of ours since 2008, we were delighted to be able to assist this network company in making their new offices practical, welcoming and comfortable

Our main areas of focus were the main offices, meeting room, boardroom and breakout space. We created all these areas with a modern and professional finish in mind to reflect the company's business and values. We wanted each area of their new offices to be highly functional and selected a range of furniture with comfort, practicality and ease of use in mind. The main office areas were furnished with bench desking featuring cable management and monitor arms for increased desk space and comfortable ergonomic function. The Oscar mesh back chairs provide ultimate comfort with a self-tensioning synchro-mechanism which keeps users supported through each movement they make in the chair. The mesh also keeps the user's back cool and provides sound ergonomic function. Next to desk tower storage pedestals provided a practical way to keep personal possessions, files and other required materials nearby. They also add to the overall professional and modern feel of the office with their sleek finish and smooth operation. We installed a large box base veneer conference table in the boardroom with integral cable management. We completed the look of this room with faux leather conference chairs for a luxurious feel. Throughout the offices, we also placed height adjustable and poseur benches to allow employees the option of working whilst standing. This has been proven to increase productivity and provide a variety of mental and physical health benefits. Poseur tables and stools were also provided in the breakout area, providing the option of a standing or seated lunch/social area.

Best Products To Create an Ergonomic Workspace

Having an ergonomic office set up is important to avoid injuries in the workplace and keeping staff happy, healthy and productive.

  Poor office ergonomics can lead to an increase in staff absence, with upper or lower back pain being amongst the most common reasons for employees to take sick leave. Luckily, there are many ergonomic products on the market today to help you to create a safe and comfortable office. In this post, you'll find a round up of our favorite ergonomic office furniture pieces. If you're interested in learning a little more about the basic principles of office and workplace ergonomics, you can check out this post, which also includes a free ergonomic reference sheet download.

1. Adapt

Following the EasiSpec system, our specialist advisors take a few key measurements and create a tailored "prescription" for an Adapt chair that will provide you with highly specific and personalised ergonomic support and comfort. Ideal for those who require extra support, suffer from pain or postural issues or have a disability. Ergochair Adapt600 with Headrest Front View  

2. Ergohuman

Ideal for those who are seated for extended periods or require more thorough support, the Ergohuman task chair boasts a range of flex zones throughout the back and lumbar regions, providing continuous ergonomic support. Ergohuman Mesh Task Chair  

3.HÅG Sofi & HÅG Sofi Mesh

The body has an intuitive need to move and the HÅG SoFi keeps the body in motion and allows the user to sit in a variety of positions. The InBalance™Mechanism keeps the user perfectly comfortable whilst boosting productivity and improving health by keeping the user active. HÅG-SoFi-Grey  

4. Poise

Designed to reduce pressure on the thighs and back, the Poise task chair features an integral seat slide which allows the user to adjust the seat depth. A synchronised mechanism with freefloat back action makes it easy to get comfortable and feel supported. Poise-Ergonomic-Office-Chair-With-Arms-Front-View_1024x1024  

5. HÅG Capisco & HÅG Capisco Puls

Choose to sit in Capisco or Capisco Puls chairs forwards, sideways or backwards and receive equal comfort and ergonomic support. Inspired by the horse rider's saddle, the Capisco offers greater freedom of movement and caters for active sitting throughout the day.  

6. Sidiz

Providing excellent ergonomic support and adjusting easily to the user's height and weight, the Sidiz task chair offers consistent support and comfort. The mesh design  also provides cooling ventilation to the back. Sidiz Task Chair Black  

7. Enjoy

Designed for those who are required to sit for up to 8 hours per day, the Enjoy Task Chair provides continuous support and comfort through the use of flex-zones for lumbar and back support. Other features include a synchro-tilt mechanism, sliding seat, pneumatic height adjustment and single lever control for seat height, seat depth and back tilt. Enjoy-Task-Chair-Black-Mesh-with-Lumbar-Support  

8. Rise

Rise height adjustable desks feature a range of control panels which all make changing from a sitting to a standing position quick and easy. Adjustable from 635mm-1290mm, Rise desks enable you to spend less time sitting and more time enjoying the benefits of active working. Two-People-Using-Rise-Electrical-Height-Adjustable-Desks-One-Sitting-One-Standing

9. GC1

GC1 tables are multi-functional and practical addition to any work space. A simple to use control panel changes the height of the table quickly and simply. In addition to it's sit/stand functions, GC1 also benefits from a flip top and optional dry-wipe finish, creating a truly versatile piece of furniture that adapts to any way that you choose to work. GC1-Flip-Top-Height-Adjustable-Table-Used-as-Desk-and-White-Board  

10. Sit/Stand Desktop Riser

Place the desktop riser on any desk to create a quick and portable sit/stand solution. Featuring a fast and easy height adjustment process, the riser also benefits from a support groove for smartphones or tablets and a large keyboard tray. Sit-Stand-Desktop-Riser  

11. Ascend Monitor Arm

Ascend monitor arms feature a gas assisted stem and provide practicality, organisation and space to your desk. Easy to adjust height, tilt and position, creating a comfortable ergonomic working position. Ascend Monitor Arm White

12. Streamcomb Monitor Arm

Able to hold up to four monitors, Streamcomb helps to create a clutter-free desk space. Streamcomb monitor arms also make it easy to achieve a comfortable, ergonomically correct working position and help to relieve tension and strain through the neck and shoulders. Streamcomb Double Monitor Arm with Clamp Fixing  

13. Ergonomic Accessories

Wave Office also provides a range of ergonomic accessories such as footrests and specially adapted mice and keyboards to make sure that your entire body can work in a comfortable and supported ergonomic position.   We hope that this list has given you a simple starting point in creating an ergonomic working environment. If you would like to view more information on the featured products, you can click on their individual links or call 01293 510553 to speak to one of our friendly team.     [yikes-mailchimp form="1" title="1" description="1" submit="Sign Up"]


We recently completed an office refurbishment for a charity who were relocating their headquarters to a more modern premises in Reigate. We were instructed to create a professional but vibrant feel to the new office space and also to create a space that was practical both in terms of working and storage. We provided the clients with 2D and 3D visual plans to allow them to see how we proposed the layout of the new offices and to help them to choose furniture ranges, styles and finishes. First Floor Office Plans The whole project was completed within the time frame given to us by the client. This included working around and liaising with other contractors such as electricians and flooring specialists to ensure practicality of location of things such as floor boxes, but also, again, to make sure that the project was completed on time. The project included refurbishment and furnishing of the following areas:
  • Reception Area
  • Meeting Rooms
  • Offices
The reception area was furnished to include a range of tambour storage and an accessible reception desk finished in a gloss orange and matte white. We also built a bespoke surround around the storage in the reception area to section off the downstairs office from the reception.   Reception Desk with Bespoke Surround The office areas were furnished with grey bench desks with a silver frame and frosted acrylic desk screens with a blue tint. Storage consisted of Bisley tambour cupboards and pedestals underneath the desks. We provided Enjoy chairs for a comfortable seating option that particularly supports the back and lumbar regions of the users.   Bench Desks with Acrylic Screens The new meeting areas were furnished with oval tables and our SJX meeting chairs for a practical and comfortable seating solution. Meeting rooms also benefited from Tilt Top tables for ease of storage and use.     [yikes-mailchimp form="1" title="1" description="1" submit="Sign Up"]


If your office space is beginning to feel cramped, you may be thinking about relocating; but before you look into potentially increasing your costs, why not reassess your current space?

    There are plenty of simple ways that you can redesign your small office space to work for you, but the best results require some planning beforehand. Think about your business' requirements and priorities - for example, do you need your team to work collaboratively or do you need silence and solitude for staff? Consider holding a few meetings or think of a number of ways that you can include your staff in the new design. After all, the space you are designing is supposed to enhance productivity and morale for these people. After you have collected ideas and thoughts and have an idea of how an office should be designed to work for your business you can begin to look for solutions that fit your team.

Experiment with desk layout ideas

The way you decide to organise your desks will depend on the way your team works best, but also it needs to work to maximise your available space. Here are a few ideas to get you thinking:
  • Paired Islands - place two desks face to face for small team collaboration and space saving; ideal for narrower offices
  • Blocked Seating - as above but in groups of four; great for when you require larger teams to work together but still need to save space
  • The Bullpen - organise desks into an inner-facing circle, square or rectangle, allowing the whole team to easily collaborate

Choose the right type of desks

There are two main desk designs that are ideal for smaller office spaces:
  • Mobile Desks - If you regularly need to rearrange the layout of your desks or if some staff will need time away from main working groups, mobile desks are a great way to temporarily change the set up of your office space
  • Modular Desks - Easily rearrange desk layout whilst still saving space with desks that tessellate in a number of different ways to create the plan you need

Think about your break-out areas

  • Quickly rearrange your soft seating in rest areas to fit your purpose - Modular soft seating allows you to remove and add seating blocks, so you can easily create more space without having to look into changing your whole seating range.

Re-think storage

  • Storage walls - Vertical storage that you can tailor to your needs with a range of different modules, capable of high or low volume storage
  • Pedestals - Need a small storage space for each of your staff? Pedestals are great for keeping important documents or personal items close by. Bite pedestals are ideal mobile pedestals to match with a more agile working environment. Some desk-high pedestals can also replace desk legs for additional practicality when space is of a premium.

Re-Model meeting spaces:

  • Whiteboard or presentation monitor - place a monitor or large whiteboard in a place where everyone can easily see. This is a simple solution for small offices to put an end to staff crowding around one desk for meetings where a presentation is required. Wall mounting these objects where possible will save further on floor space.
  • Collapsible meeting tables - Create meeting space when you need it, store it when you don't
  • Need a little more privacy or quiet? - Consider a mobile or modular acoustic wall that you can re-style or store away at the end of your meeting
  • Change your routine - If you don't have space for an effective meeting in your office, why not utilise your local coffee shop or have walking meetings in a nearby park?
  • Reconsider schedules - Do all your staff have to be in the office on the same day? More staff than space? Consider a rotating remote working schedule, allowing all staff to split their working time between the office and home. If you need to have a meeting, set up a video chat on your presentation monitor!

Finally, make the most of your decor options:

  • Use light colours on the walls to make a space seem larger - you can always add pops of colour through your furniture fabrics
  • Make sure you're not blocking natural light - keep window areas clear to allow as much light in as possible and help to create a more open feel to your space.

We offer a free space planning and design service to help you to make the most of your space. If you would like to know more, please contact us and we'll be more than happy to help

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Ergochair | Bespoke, Made to Measure Chairs

ErgoChair is a UK based company, set up in 2004 to fill a gap in the ergonomic office chair market

  Until Ergochair, there were no ergonomic chairs on the market that could be specified to suit every individual. Even some of the best ergonomic chairs on the market could not offer complete support and comfort as they were not able to be tailored to custom requirements. For example, smaller framed people would not experience the complete benefit of a generic sized ergonomic chair as the varying supports would not correspond to the correct areas on the user's body. However, Ergochair's range provides more than just a good fit for the user. A vast range of advanced adaptations mean that they are able to create chairs suitable for a range of issues and conditions, including:
  • Amputeeism
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Coccyx Pain
  • Core Stability Issues
  • Herniated or Prolapsed Spinal Discs
  • Hip Replacement
  • Fused or Painful Knee Joints
  • Differential Leg Lengths
  • Lumbar Pain
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Neck and Shoulder Pain
  • Pelvic Pain
  • Scoliosis
  • Thoracic Back Pain
  • Wheelchair Use/Restricted Mobility
  Using a Unique Specification System called Easispec, our specially trained advisors will take a few simple measurements in order to create your bespoke chair "prescription". They will also discuss any suitable adaptations that will ensure your chair caters to your exact requirements. Adaptations include:
  • A Range of Armrests - from simple support to permanent contact rests for severe upper limb issues
  • Neck and Head Rests, Rolls and Supports
  • Foot Rings and Plates
  • Locks - Keep the Chair From Moving or Swiveling
  • Range of Inflatable and Reactive Support Cells Across the Backrest and Seat
  • Sculpted and Memory Foam Backrests
  • Coccyx Cut-Outs and Zones
  • Wave and Split Seats - for issues with lower limbs such as amputation or prothesis
  • Memory Foam Seats

If you would like to know more about Ergochair, or to book an assessment, please call 01293 510553 or email

Explore the Ergochair products

  Adapt 600 ErgochairAdapt 500 Ergochair   [yikes-mailchimp form="1" title="1" description="1" submit="Sign Up"]

Furniture for a Brand New Corporate Events Area

New Furniture For Various Zones of a Corporate Events Area

  A local college engaged our services to furnish their new corporate events area. We designed the layout for various rooms within the area and supplied and installed a range of new furniture. The end result was a modern, practical and functional space which provides great opportunities for relaxing, dining, meeting and networking.   All tables supplied were from the LTC range which are ideal for high use areas, as well as benefiting from a smart, polished chrome base which perfectly complemented the four star base of the Giggle Chairs. Giggle chairs and Lilo sofas were upholstered in vinyl for easy cleaning and maintenance, whilst the walnut Espacio chairs provided a comfortable seating solution for the dining area.     [yikes-mailchimp form="1" title="1" description="1" submit="Sign Up"]


After Optimax became the Ultralase Optimax Group, one of their main objectives was to improve the image of the clinics. Here's how we helped the group to create a brand new clinic in Cardiff.

  Having bought an empty building, the Ultralase Optimax group asked us to create a new clinic from design to build. The design was to include an operating theatre, recovery room, consultation rooms, staff rooms, an air handling plant and reception area. In the reception area we added LED lighting, a large wall graphic and a gloss white reception desk and storage wall to give the clinic a fresh and modern feel. We added Giggle chairs to the lobby to provide comfort for visitors and extend on the modern theme.

We handled all aspects of design and build and completed the project four weeks early and under budget.

  The new clinic was opened by Lee Halfpenny in October 2017 with staff and patients commenting on the "stylish, modern feel". There are now plans in place to refurbish other clinics to match the same design criteria.       [yikes-mailchimp form="1" title="1" description="1" submit="Sign Up"]

Refurbishment for Local Electrical Manufacturing Company

Recently, we were asked to carry out a refurbishment of multiple rooms for a local electrical manufacturing company. Here's what we did.

  The refurbishment was to include the boardroom, executive toilets and the executive hallway with multiple changes throughout each room. The boardroom benefited from new carpets, new blinds and new secondary double glazing to keep noise to a minimum throughout conference calls and meetings. This was complemented by the addition of a new acoustic wall and the installation of a new high specification audio/visual set up with surround sound, ideal for video conferences. We added a new 3 piece Walnut veneer boardroom table with full cable management. This ensures cables stay tidy and hidden down through the table legs and into floor boxes. We also added a matching veneer storage unit with integral fridge and included high back leather executive chairs to create a modern and professional feel. The finishing touch to this room came in the form of a new ceiling with a recessed feature light above the boardroom table. We were also instructed to carry out a refurbishment of the executive toilets. Here, we replaced all old porcelain, cubicles and tiling and added new flooring for a fresh look and feel. The executive corridor was also refreshed with new Ash doors, LED lighting and a new ceiling grid and tiles.       [yikes-mailchimp form="1" title="1" description="1" submit="Sign Up"]


We recently a carried out an exciting refurbishment of 8 classrooms, creating fun and practical learning environments

Classrooms are ever changing environments and need to be able to adapt to a number of ways of working and different activities throughout the day. They also need to be engaging, fun and practical. This is exactly the type of spaces we recently created in a local school. All classrooms featured student tables with dry-wipe surfaces. This not only creates a sense of fun, but serves as a practical way for children to learn and interact with their lesson. It also helps to stop damage and graffiti! We paired these tables with ergonomic Postura+ chairs. These chairs are highly durable and encourage students to sit in the correct position. This not only benefits their posture, but also their ability to concentrate. An ergonomic sitting position allows proper blood and oxygen flow throughout the body and also stops slouching which can tell the brain it's time to relax, causing a lack of productivity and concentration. The storage areas in the classrooms featured space for children's trays, as well as cupboard and drawer space for equipment and teacher's essentials. The gloss white and grey finish of the storage area complimented the tables and gave a modern feel to the space. Finally, the teacher's desks were supplied with integrated power and USB charging sockets, keeping equipment fully charged and accessible throughout the day, without the need for trailing wires or extension leads.       [yikes-mailchimp form="1" title="1" description="1" submit="Sign Up"]


At Wave Office we provide free space planning and design services to help you to get the most out of your work place

Office refurbishment can be a daunting task and visualizing the outcome is often one of the trickiest things to do. This can add extra worry if the project is your responsibility. Planning space through the use of Computer Aided Design allows you to see how a refurbishment or new furniture will look in a space. This is beneficial for both the refurbishment company and you, the client. It is particularly helpful if you are working to a strict time scale as you can redesign the plan before any actual work is carried out, rather than making amendments at the end of the project. It also allows you to relax during the process knowing exactly how your desired outcome will look. It can also be helpful to take the plans and designs into meetings with other people involved in the refurbishment project. This helps to prevent ambiguity and confusion and allows everyone to clearly see, agree on, or give their input on the intended outcome. Wave Office have more than 20 years experience in planning, designing and furnishing great work spaces, casinos, schools, universities, colleges, leisure centres and many other businesses. So, if 2023 is the year for you to update your furniture or work space, get in touch for some helpful advice, space planning and a great choice of furniture.
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